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Blessed with the best _ Alhumdulillah!a million times for every blessing in my life.

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Monday, March 21, 2022

رشتے ٹوٹ جاتے ہیں۔۔۔۔وقت بیت جاتا ہے۔۔۔۔۔دل بدل جاتے ہیں۔۔۔

رشتے ٹوٹ جاتے ہیں۔۔۔۔وقت بیت جاتا ہے۔۔۔۔۔دل بدل جاتے ہیں۔۔۔
یادیں کہیں دور پیچھے رہ جاتی ہیں۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔مگر کچھ پچھتاوے اور طعنے ہمیشہ برقرار رہتے ہیں۔ 

Saturday, March 19, 2022

مانا دل ڈرا ڈرا ہے ،ٹوٹا یہ زرا زرا ہے دل کے اس بونڈر کو ،ٹھہر جانے دو

مانا دل ڈرا ڈرا ہے ،ٹوٹا یہ زرا زرا ہے 
دل کے اس بونڈر کو ،ٹھہر جانے دو
How many broken hearts breathe in the air made of bricks, suffer from unanswered endings, unapologized abuse, broken homes, familial responsibilities and still try to make it work day in and day out. This everyday heroism leaves me speechless. To get fear from pain is natural response out of that, to question every night on pillow about your uselessness is a norm, but it has always been like this from strongest of hearts to strongest of brains. All broke down in worst ways possible. So just breathe it in and let the sounds siphon in surroundings for awhile. Hold it in and stay right there

ہونٹ یہ زرا سلے ہیں ، خاموشی کے سلسلے ہیں 
رات تھوڑی گہری ہے، سحر آنے دو

How many of us highlight the lines in novels that depict our desires, repeat the lyrics that speak about us, ingrain the tatoos that impersonate our aura. All in hopes of expression which lips are sealed to do out of utter shame. 
Or may be out of sadness and vulnerability which we are shameful to have. Sadness just doesn't affects one mentally it peirces heart and tears it down till your pericardium until chest wall just tries to kick that heart out of rib cage, it comes in waves oscillating with shrewd cruelty of anxiousness and gloom as if it's stuck in your thorat like a foreign body, making relays between inhalation and exhalation longer and difficult. The night with crying wolves, impenetrable skies offer you a hand to accentuate the death of emotions, so what should we do, offer it a hand? Wait for the dusky skies? Maybe yes.

تو کیا ہو جو ٹوٹا آج سپنا یہ تیرا 
تو کیا ہوا جو آج کوئی اپنا نا ملآ
کبھی تو پورا ہو گا یہ چاہتوں کا گھر
کبھی تو مل ہی جائے گا تجھ کو ہمسفر

So what if the ship of longing desires failed to float
So what if it took all of you under storms of chaos
So what if you try to gather your peices all night
So what if you sew it again to decorate your interior
So what if it happens again
So what, it happens, people are not meant to be caged, happiness is an illusion contentment is the goal. One day those with pure hearts will find a warm home, where they can cook in sulkier ways, can sing back to themselves, can buy crayons to make a favourite duck room for themselves, will find their favourite job, will share idiosyncrasies with their favourite person
So what if a rough patch just dissolved it out from you, so what, it is not going to be rough all life long, it is going to be better

تجھ میں نا کمی کوئی ہے بس تیرا یہ دن برا ہے
وقت کی یہ باتیں ہیں اس گزر جانے دو ۔

Thursday, March 10, 2022

اِن بھاگتے دوڑتے لمـــحوں سے مُجھے کُچھ پل چُــرانے ہیں۔۔۔۔

سُـــنو! ⁦♡

اِن بھاگتے دوڑتے لمـــحوں سے 
مُجھے کُچھ پل چُــرانے ہیں۔۔۔۔ 
اس سے پہلے کہ سانســیں مختــصر ہونے لگیــں
اور رُوح حلق تک ســمٹ جائے۔ 
چــلو ⁦…
گھنـــیرے سایوں والے باغات کی اُور جاتی
پگڈنڈی پر چلتے ہیں ۔ ♡
جہاں بُلــند پیڑوں کی اُوٹ سے جھانکتے
آســـمان کی نیلاہٹــیں سـرگوشــیاں کرتی ہیں۔ ⁦⁦♡
ہوا بدن پر مہـک لپــیٹے ہمــراہ ہو لیتــی ہے ،
اور جھــیل کے ٹھنڈے پانی میں اٹھتے بھنــور
ہم سے پہلے آنے والــوں کی کتھـــائیـــں کہتے ہیں۔ ⁦♡
جہاں اُس بوڑھے صنـــوبر کے پیــڑ پر لِکھے دو نام 
آج بھی ایک ادھــورا نغمـــہ گنگــناتے ہیں !
تو آؤ ناں …
لمحـــوں کی اس زنبــیل سے ہم بھــی
کُچــھ پل چُــراتے ہیں ~ ♥

جب تمھیں احساس ہو جائے کہ تُم نے پکّی اینٹوں سے جو گھر بنایا تھا

تمھیں کیسا لگے
جب تمھیں احساس ہو جائے
کہ تُم نے پکّی اینٹوں سے جو گھر بنایا تھا
اُس کی بنیاد ریت پر تھی
اور تُم ساری زندگی
جو کام عبادت سمجھ کر کرتے رہے ہو
صرف لہریں گننے کا عمل تھا
جنھیں تُم آنکھیں سمجھتے رہے
محض خول تھے
اور تم رات دن
کسی اندھے کنویں کے گرد چکّر کاٹتے رہے ہو
اور جہاں سے چلے تھے
وہیں کے وہیں ہو
یا یہ کہ تمھارے کاندھوں پر
کسی اور کا سر تھا
اور تُم ہمیشہ
ہوا میں تلوار چلاتے رہے ہو
تمھیں کیسا لگے
جب تمھیں یقین ہو جائے
کہ تُم جسے اپنا وجود سمجھ کر
بار بار اپنے ہونے کا اعلان کرتے رہے ہو
وہ محض تمھارا وہم تھا
تمھیں کیسا لگے ۔ ۔ ۔؟
مُجھے ایسا لگ رھا ہے!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

When you feel like giving up

When you feel like giving up, remember that someone somewhere out there is getting inspired from your journey. Someone considers you as their inspiration because you didn't give up when the odds were against you.

Friday, March 4, 2022

What's that you've been practicing lately?

 What's that you've been practicing lately?


Not everything I feel should be said.

To anyone. At anytime.

Not every person is worth seeing my kind soft side.

Not everything should be explained and not everyone would understand.

My emotions should be precious enough and appreciated.

And if not then they shouldn't be exposed.

I learnt that sometimes it takes a lot of pain and dissappointments to be a person who learn to be in control.

And just like that, you are living a du’a you made in the distant past.

 And just like that, you are living a du’a you made in the distant past. But because time changed hands and the seasons became drawn out, it may not feel like it once did. But just because the blessing comes after some time, it does not render it any less valuable. It is still a great blessing, deserving of our utmost gratitude - because we asked for it… alas, we begged for it once upon a time.

We are always living upon a du’a.

What do you expect people to do when you take them for granted?

 What do you expect people to do when you take them for granted?

Its not a grand movie or something where they will die ; cry ; act crazy and be there for you no matter how trashy you behave.

In real life,even the most generous ones would leave you if the efforts are not reciprocated right?

Even if you don’t feel the same way for them,it is still your loss because you are losing a well-wisher now.

The ones who walked away from you has nothing to lose from you literally except that they were hurt in the process of holding onto you for so long which is time-limited.It will eventually pass someday if not today.

Infect it is very liberating for people to leave once they have done their part for good.

Sometimes His blessings are not obvious!

 Sometimes His blessings are not obvious!

"When Allah loves you he won’t necessarily bless you in ways that are obvious or material like a new high-powered job or prestigious degrees. Instead, He will favor you in ways that make you more grounded internally and make you a better human being. He will give you a better sense of self. He will give you a better sense of self-worth. He will give you clarity in knowledge. He will give you clarity in knowing Him. He will give you more opportunities to help others. And ultimately, He will give you peace of mind and a sound heart. Sometimes His blessings are not obvious." 
