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Blessed with the best _ Alhumdulillah!a million times for every blessing in my life.

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Monday, September 9, 2013

My Love The Poem

Be still, my love, be still; rest your 

weary eyes and listen to the silent

melody of midnight skies. 

Fold into my warm embrace, place your hand in mine,within my arms, 

within my heart, security you’ll find. 

Let shadows dance between the

shards of moonlight on your skin as 

Lady Night with one eye open, smiling,

glances in. 

Ever watchful ever knowing, sweet dreams

she sends your way, in the form of 

tiny shooting stars, performing a ballet. 

But know that should you lose your way

‘neath the blackened veil of night, I’ll be

right here, within your hand, around you,

holding tight. 

Together, let us fade to black, to the

comfort of retreat, to the place our love

has made it’s own, to the silence ‘tween each beat...!!!
