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Blessed with the best _ Alhumdulillah!a million times for every blessing in my life.

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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Head aches.

Head aches. 
Eyes burn. 
Yet no tears escape me. I realize with horrifying certainty that this pain has knocked up my soul until the tears that arise from disappointment, do not leak my eyes anymore. 
I do not like this. It's unbearably sad when you realize why people want to cry. Searching for a catharsis, a way to let out the poison that had been accumulating over the membranes of their organs. It is heartbreaking to realize that the poison moulders the organs until they become frail and crippled yet no sea water flood to the surface. 
It comes in waves. It escapes nowhere. Your skin feels so tight with perfection of smiles causing the waves to oscillate within the bounds of your flesh and soul. The sorrow bounces back and forth until there is a void within you. As real as the universe. 
And the waves manage to keep coming from unknown origins, as you continue to weave perfect smiles. And so it creates an endless motion within you, a restlessness that seems to have no death.

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