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Thursday, September 19, 2019

"I believe in Allah"

"I believe in Allah"
"I studied for the whole semester, I'll get the desired grades because I believe in Allah"
"I prayed day and night, why won't I get the person I love? I believe in Allah"
For most of us the definition of believe relies on humans, where we do a favour to one and "believe" that the favour will be returned.
While using the same word for Allah, we don't realise that our minds don't shift, our minds work with the same principle of definition of this sentence.

While we say we believe in Allah, we are unconsciously trying to impose a decision on the decision-maker. We are not believing in him, rather imposing a deal. We don't realise that Allah(swt) is far more superior than any "Give and take" .

So what does "believing" in terms of Allah mean? Quran defines it as "Taqwah" and it's meaning is far more accurate in terms of Almighty. Taqwah doesn't mean that if I'll do a certain set of things then I'll get the desired outcome. Rather it means I believe in Allah to an extent where I know, whatever the outcome will be, will be best for me.
For if he decides to bring mountains in my way, they'll teach me how to climb.
If he decides to put rivers in my way to success, they'll teach me how to swim.
It means believing to an extent where if you won't have anything to eat and will be dying the next moment, even at that harsh time, your inner core of the heart will still beat with the rhythm of "Alhamdulillah" . For Allah, whatever you've given me, and taken away from me, I thank you for that ❤️

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