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Sunday, January 24, 2021

Don't destroy others because the human heart is fragile and some people can never recover from emotional trauma

Don't destroy others because the human heart is fragile and some people can never recover from emotional trauma. 💔

Pay attention when someone is alive but dead from inside before it's too late. Stop saying thing like this when someone passes away:

🔘 That person always looked happy and strong. Something is fishy and maybe we will never know the actual reason behind that traumatic event.
🔘 Damn, depression is real  but people should be strong enough to deal with this. 
🔘 They should have shared their feelings with others.There are many ways for emotional ventilation. Why they were silent all the time?

No one needs your sweet words, precious time, care, or anything at all when they are dead. If you think mental illness is a joke and those who are suffering can survive as long as they want then keep making fun of such people. Avoid them, ignore them, and put labels on them. Think of them as weak, coward, delusional, narcissist, sinners, etc. but let me tell you one thing if you have not walked in their shoes, you've no right to judge them. It's not their fault that they are hypersensitive, emotional, and suffering from an invisible illness. 

Depression is a leading cause of suicide and it's not something that can be cured completely. It's just manageable to some extent but still, there will be so many things that can trigger such people anytime. I can be happy, satisfied with my life goals one day, and a total mess on another day. It's a life long struggle and not everyone is strong enough to survive.

No one wants to take their own life not even those having suicidal thoughts or suffering from chronic mental illness. It's the last stage, the moment when they disassociate themselves from the real world. When they don't want to interact with any single human being, when it's all dark and gloomy and when emotional pain is so intense that they wouldn't hesitate to trade their life to end that Pain.

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