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Blessed with the best _ Alhumdulillah!a million times for every blessing in my life.

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Thursday, May 13, 2021

Have you ever been a listener? Yes,somebody who listens to others no matter what they say ,

 Have you ever been a listener? Yes,somebody who listens to others no matter what they say , no matter how much they cry , no matter how big their issues are. No matter what's going on in your own life you still mean the "I'll be there for you whenever you need" phrase , the way you said it.

You see yourself sitting with them, providing your shoulder to cry on? You see yourself comforting them even if you don't know any solutions, you see yourself trying to cheer them up, You keep doing lil things for them.They Tell you that they need comfort and you listen to them without saying a word. They Tell you that they need solutions and you speak up for them , trying your level best and at the end , you make them sure that things will be resolved soon.In a hope that maybe , they will smile .Maybe they will forget their problems for a few seconds.Hoping that you might be the person, wiping their tears and transforming them into bright smiles.

Ohhh smiles ! Yes we do all this because I think somewhere we live for people's smiles.

So what do you think? Have you ever been a listener ? If yes , then A big shout-out to you honey , because people suffering from depression now a days are the ones who have no-one to talk to and if you're the one to whom somebody can talk,

If you're the one making them feel comfortable enough,

If you're their happy place,

If you're the one they can easily open up to,

And if you're the one they feel safe with then this is a huge huge success . Because I believe that you become a listener when you yourself didn't have a listener in the past۔ 

اور جو دُکھ خود کو ملے ہوں وہ کسی دوسرے کو  بھی ملیں یہ کسے اچھا لگتا ہے ؟  ہے نا ؟ اور سوچیں اگر صرف آپ سے بات کر کے کسی کی آنکھوں کے انسو اگر اُنکی آنکھوں کی چمک بن سکتے ہیں تو پھر کس چیز کو وجہ بنانا ؟ 

اگر کسی کا ذہنی سکون آپ سے بات کرنے میں ہے تو اِس سے اچھی کیا بات ہوگی؟

کیونکہ دیکھا جائے,۔ تو اپنے اچھے دنوں میں تو ہر شخص ہی آپکو یاد رکھتا ہوگا لیکن اگر اپنے دُکھ درد میں کسی کے ذہن میں آپکا خیال آتا ہے اور اگر آپ ان کے کسی کام آ سکتے ہیں تو اِس نیکی سے کیوں منہ موڑنا ؟ 

دیکھیں ، جو چیزیں اور جو احساسات آپکو نہ مل سکے اُن لوگوں سے جن سے آپکو توقعات تھیں تو وہ کسی دوسرے کو ایک دفعہ  دے کر تو دیکھیں اور یقین کریں جو خوشی اور سکون آپکو ملےگا اُسکا کوئی مول نہیں ہوگا ۔۔ 

And I understand that it is human nature to get tired of things and if you ever get tired of listening to others and if you ever feel like "hey I need somebody to listen to me too" then you need to know that there are people who are there to listen to any of your issues too , The ones who really need you and if still you don't find anyone around you then I'll be there to listen to you for sure and when I say this , I really mean it. 

Just don't lose hope and keep going ♥️

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