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Blessed with the best _ Alhumdulillah!a million times for every blessing in my life.

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Thursday, March 8, 2018

She came into my life like an answered prayer

She came into my life like an answered prayer. Dismantling my armor and tearing down the walls I’ve built in a blink of an eye. She touched my heart like no one ever has.. and no one ever actually has but her. See, after all the tears my shoulders have caught and after witnessing how love can tear a person apart, I refused to let anybody in. I built walls so high that it blocked the sun and even the moon at night. I wore armor so heavy and tough that it made me numb. I kept myself away from the hurt I’ve witnessed. I kept myself away because I knew I’d be devastated if after all the pain I’ve already been dealt with by life will be topped off with the hurt that I’ll feel in a place as vital as my heart. I knew how it would end me. But then she came along. She found a crack in my wall and when she touched it, it came crumbling down. She got close enough and with one touch my armor disappeared. She held my heart in her right hand while she touched my face with her left. I fell in love almost instantly. I guess I always knew she’d come along. I guess I kinda saw her coming like how I saw this tragedy coming and there was nothing we could do. Life, lifed on us and it tore us apart. And now here I am, staring out my window feeling as blue as the sky, trying to keep it together while I play the songs I know I’ll never hear the same again. Here I am, staring at our pictures and reading all our poems trying to relive our most beautiful moments. Here I am, trying to deal with the fact that I may never hold her in my arms again, I may never hear her laugh again, I may never witness her smile again, I may never kiss her again, I may never lay beside her at 2am talking about the mystery of life again. Here I am dealing with the fact that we are no longer each other’s darlings or sweethearts. Here I am realizing that sometimes love isn’t enough. Here I am in the ruins, trying to see what I can salvage to rebuild my walls again.

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