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Showing posts with label POLITICS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label POLITICS. Show all posts

Saturday, September 9, 2017

PTI vs PMLN vs PPP: Who would Pakistanis vote for in 2018 elections?

It’s an election year in Pakistan. In every democratic country, an election year tends to be the most busy year for political parties to gain public attention and increase their vote bank.

However, the upcoming 2018 election is expected to be the most hotly contested election in Pakistan’s history. The election result will determine whether Supreme Court’s decision against the ruling PMLN has any effect on voter’s mind.

PMLN insists any decision against them will have no effect on their loyal voters, and they’ll still win the 2018 election. PTI on the other hand believes a decision against PMLN will go in their favor and they’ll form the next government. Peoples Party is also hopeful to get a slice of the pie as a result of the unfavorable decision against PMLN.

Will people still vote for PMLN or will they choose the alternative Imran Khan led PTI instead? Will the PPP have any stack in government after 2018 elections?

We only chose these three parties because they’re the main parties having presence in all four provinces.

So what’s your decision going to be? Take part in VOJ’s poll.

Imran Khan gets 80% votes on a twitter poll by Naz Baloch

File photo of Naz Baloch.
A poll from a fake twitter profile of Naz Baloch recently asked followers to vote for their favorite leader. The poll had the names of PTI Chief Imran Khan, Maryam Nawaz Shareef, and PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhuttto, whose party she recently joined.

The poll had some interesting results, Imran Khan received 81 percent votes from twitter users whereas Bilawal Bhutto 10 percent and Maryam Nawaz with 9 percent votes respectively. The result as of writing this article was based close to 13,000 twitter users opinion.

Khurram Sher Zaman, her former colleague from PTI, replied to her poll saying “check out the difference yourself”.

Naz Baloch quickly informed Khurram that the poll was posted from a fake ID. “Khurrum this is a fake twitter i.d. misusing my name”.

Khurrum this is a fake twitter i.d. misusing my name i.e. @NazBaioch_ (using capital ” i “), I have already reported @Twitter, Plz refrain! https://t.co/3mcdx9SNsi

— Naz Baloch (@NazBaloch_) July 22, 2017

To this a number of twitteratis snubbed her saying even if the account was fake, the poll results were undoubtedly real.

White House Website: Reason Why Pages Like LGBT were Removed

Recent Screenshot of the WhiteHouse.Gov Website
Recently, various media networks reported that soon after Trump’s inauguration, his administration took down pages related to Civil Rights, LGBT, Abortion, Climate Change and Spanish language content from the White House website. The news sent shockwaves among many who were already wary of President Trump’s various controversial pledges during his campaign.

However, contrary to the misleading reports, in fact every new administration is handed over a fresh version of White House website where they showcases their own policies. The old website is wiped clean with every new presidency.

The content of the old website are archived. For example all Obama-era material of the White House website have been archived and are available at Obama whitehouse.gov.

Similarly, the official twitter handle of the United State President @POTUS was also wiped clean and handed over to the new incoming president. At the time of this writing, there were only 19 tweets from President Trump.

All tweets of Barack Obama were archived at @POTUS44. The same was done to the twitter handle of the former first lady Michele Obama.

Will China Replace the US as Global Climate Leader?

People ride along a street on a smoggy day in Daqing, Heilongjiang province. REUTERS/Stringer
China and the United States are the top two biggest global carbon emitters. China has not taken drastic measures to curb carbon emissions until recent past, the US was playing a lead role in devising environmental policies and the Obama administration took several measures to minimize the impact of climate change. Former US President Obama had put a stop to the 1,179-mile Keystone XL Pipeline, which would have carried crude from Alberta tar sands to the Gulf of Mexico.

In Obama’s view, the environmental cost was too much for a relatively modest supply of oil, and would have been at odds with this nation’s commitment to join a global pact to reduce greenhouse gases. He solidified his environmental legacy by putting an end to oil drilling in large areas of Atlantic and Arctic oceans during his last days as President.

During the last two weeks, we saw a contrasting approach by the US and China to climate change issue. Chinese government started working on a comprehensive plan for the control of Greenhouse Gas emission. Main objective of the work plan is to reduce carbon emission intensity up to 20.5% by the year 2020. Moreover the Beijing administration announced plans to set up an environmental police force responsible for enforcing pollution restrictions across the capital in a bid to improve the city’s air quality.

China has also closed several coal-fired power plants and high-polluting factories, as well as imposed vehicle restrictions. The government also aims to close 500 polluting factories and revamp over 2,500 others to meet higher pollution treatment standards. On the other hand, the new US government has taken several measures during the last few days which show a complete departure from the previous government’s environmental legacy. The new US administration has turned its back on the Paris Climate Agreement.

The new US President Donald Trump on the other hand, has signed executive directives to advance two controversial proposed oil pipelines inviting TransCanada to resubmit its application for Keystone XL Pipeline. He insisted that the pipeline will be built with American steel. The President also ordered the Army Corps of Engineers to expedite approval of the Dakota Access pipeline, which would extend from the Dakotas to Illinois.

This pipeline was opposed by environmental scientists and Standing Rock Sioux Tribe who expressed their concerns about water contamination. Moreover, the President has also ordered for fast-track environmental review of major infrastructure projects. The proposed wall on Mexican border is also seen as threat to wildlife migrations and may also affect the flow of transboundary water between the two countries.

Keeping in view the contrasting approached to the climate change by the two countries, it can be predicted that China will play a lead role in addressing the issue of climate change in near future. However, the potential and the role of the US cannot be ignored in this regard. It is the duty of global community and international organizations to voice their concerns to the US government and propose alternatives for the recently signed projects.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Qatari letter led Justice Khosa to disqualify Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif

File photo of Qatari Prince, Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani.

It was Qatari letter that played a key role in leading Justice Asif Saeed Khosa to call for disqualification of prime minister Nawaz Sharif. Justice Khosa believed that the letter from Qatari prince Mr. Al-Thani went against the stated position of the Prime Minister when it was juxtaposed with the speeches made by him.

Prime minister in his first address to the nation had talked about a factory near Makkah but there was no mention of any factory in Dubai or real estate business in Qatar. Ironically he had named “near Makkah” as the place where they had formed their factory and not Jeddah.

“My father setup a steel factory near Makkah during the days of our forced exile [Musharraf era], for which money was borrowed from Saudi banks”, said prime  minister in his first speech.

Hence according to prime minister, money was borrowed from Saudi banks to setup a steel factory near Makkah. There was no mention of Dubai factory, or investments in Qatar.

In his second address to the nation, prime minister did not talk about any specifics used for the acquisition of the Jeddah factory, nor had he mentioned any factory in Dubai or business partnership with Qatari royal family.

The official version till this time was that the sale of steel factory in Jeddah was the source of funds that were used to purchase flats in London.

Not only that, the prime minister had categorically stated in his speech that he had informed his countrymen about all the important stages of his family’s journey in business and that it was the entire background of his family’s business.

His address to the national assembly altered his earlier statements. For the first time the prime minister introduced a factory in Dubai.

The prime minister stated that the sale of a factory in Dubai in 1980 generated 33.37 million dirhams or $9 millions dollars that were used to buy steel factory in Jeddah. The Jeddah factory was then sold for about 64 million riyals or $17 million dollars that were used by prime minister’s sons to purchase the flats in London.

In short, the altered version of the prime minister till this time was that funds generated through the sale of Dubai factory were used to setup steel factory in Jeddah and funds generated from the sale of Jeddah factory were used to purchase flats in London.

Again, there was no mention of any investment in Qatar whatsoever.

“Nothing has been concealed and that everything is like an open book”, the prime minister stated in his speech.

Prime minister’s councils presented more or less the same story before the honorable court until one day Muhammad Akram Sheikh, senior council for Prime Minister’s family, presented a mysterious letter from a prince of Qatar. Justice Khosa used the words “dramatic” and “theatrical impact” while referring to the time when Mr. Akram Sheikh took out the letter from his briefcase.

Al-Thani’s letter completely negated what the prime minister had said through his three speeches.

“The bombshell [Qatari Letter] has caused more damage to the case of respondent No. 1 [Nawaz Sharif] and his children than to the case of the petitioners.

“In fact the devastation wreaked by that document upon the case of respondent No. 1 and his children may be incalculable and beyond their contemplation”, Justice Khosa wrote in his judgment.

In his letter the Qatari prince stated that according to his recollection, Mian Muhammad Sharif, late father of the prime minister, had invested with his family an aggregated sum of 12 million dirhams originated from the sale of factory in Dubai.

“With the above mentioned statement [Al-Thani’s letter] received from Qatar it becomes obvious that they are mutually destructive [with Nawaz Sharif’s earlier statements] and cannot coexist simultaneously as the truth”, said Justice Khosa in his judgment.

Prime minister’s speeches spoke of a route of funds which was Jeddah-London or Dubai-Jeddah-London but the statement from Qatar disclosed a totally different route, i.e. Dubai-Doha-London.

The honorable judge also noted that the Qatari prince had no personal knowledge of most of the critical things and for the remaining things he was “evasive at best”.

“It was not just the resources and the routes of resources which were being changed from time to time but it was the “truth” which was being improved, moulded and sacrificed at the altar of expedience”, wrote Justice Khosa

Imran Khan to disclose name of messenger bringing 10 billion offer

PTI chairman Imran Khan has challenged the ruling Sharif family to bring a defamation case against him in court and he’ll disclose the name of the person who brought their 10 billion offer to him. He said this while addressing a rally in Parade Ground Islamabad.

Imran Khan was informed during the rally that the Sharif family is filing defamation case against him for wrongly accusing them of offering him 10 billion rupees for keeping mum on Panama case.

“They are asking me to disclose name of the person bringing their 10 billion offer to me”, said Imran Khan.

“I would gladly disclose his name before of the court.

“Because I will be able to ask protective cover for that person as everyone is well aware Sharifs will target him after that”, he explained.

Imran Khan further said that not just him but they also offered two billion to that person if he succeeded in convincing me.

PTI chairman announced country wide protests till the resignation of PM Nawaz Sharif’s resignation. He called on the people of Pakistan to do a social boycott of the prime minister.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

AfPak: Integrated – Transit Trade Management System

Regional integration and intra-regional trade have played an important role in the economic prosperity of many countries, the Association of Southern Asian Nations (ASEAN) being one such example. The first attempt to regulate and codify all the scattered provisions – under the auspices of trade between Pakistan and Afghanistan in 1965, when Pakistan and Afghanistan signed a bilateral Transit Treaty. The treaty recognized the right of Afghanistan to access to seaports of Pakistan, but did not address Pakistan’s access to Central Asia through the territory of Afghanistan.

In spite of the bilateral Afghanistan Transit Trade Agreement (ATTA, 1965), Pakistani stakeholders still held the perception that the extension of transit facility to Afghanistan was being used for unauthorized trade, causing injury to the domestic industry and loss of revenue. Negotiations between Pakistan and Afghanistan on a new transit treaty commenced in 2008 after visiting a delegation from Afghanistan tabled a draft text for Pakistan’s consideration. The text of the Agreement was prepared by the World Bank’s consultants.

A significant concern regarding Afghan imports transiting through Pakistan has been the issue of unauthorized trade. Unauthorized trade could occur as (i) transit diversion, whereby goods in transit to Afghanistan are diverted in Pakistan for consumption/sale; and (ii) transit goods intended for Afghanistan brought back to Pakistan across the porous border after physically entering Afghanistan.

There are currently five security levels under Afghan Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement;

Insurance Guarantees
Tracking devices
Bank Guarantee for vehicles
Bonded Carrier license
Container security deposits
Afghanistan objected to the black list for transiting certain goods (e.g. Tobacco, spare parts, batteries) through Pakistan in light of various measures applied by Pakistan on transit trade including insurance guarantee, cross-border certificate, tracking devices, and bonded carriers. The Pakistan delegation agreed to look into this matter.

It was pointed out that transit goods to Afghanistan are going from Pakistan to Iran due to lack of infrastructure at transit points in Pakistan. The project of Integrated Transit Trade Management System would make Pakistan a hub of transit. Steering committee on integrated transit trade management system in 3rd meeting chaired by finance minister senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar discussed and approved broad contours of the Land port Authority which is to overcome all the cross border movements of some goods and people.

The potential of transit trade through Pakistan warrants immediate attention of the government to put in place a robust and efficient transit trade management system that is capable of providing maximum facilitation to Pakistan’s trading partners as well as countering the threat of illegal trade by strengthening custom control.

To achieve its goals of better connectivity with neighboring countries and expansion of trade links, the government has announced the initiative of economic corridor which aims to build a high quality modern expressway linking Gwadar with Kashgar as a modern equivalent of ancient silk route. The Economic Corridor will open up countless economic opportunities for Pakistan from China to Central Asia. In addition to this, Afghan government has been signed to connect Pakistan with Afghanistan through a reliable rail and road network. Also, the government realizes that future economic growth depends on the development and modernization of transport and logistics infrastructure. It is the government’s vision to develop transport corridors that open up new areas, facilitate trade and give benefits for maximum people for uplifting socio-economic condition.

Below, describes the current situation with respect to these provisions; there are major delays in transit trade due to filing, poor infrastructure, and time consumed at borders to negotiate through the overcrowded border crossings. The Trade Project has initiated a dwell time study which is expected to be completed in May 2014. The study highlights the points of delay on the Transit route from the Port of Karachi to exit points. The challenges in implementing trade facilitation measures have resulted in diversion of transit trade to the ports of Iran.

I think, Pakistan must facilitate transit trade to bring back the traffic lost from Pakistani ports. Poor infrastructure at Customs border posts (Torkham and Chaman) also has a negative impact on the free flow of transit traffic. Efforts are being made to establish data exchange facilities between Pakistan and Afghan Customs authorities at Torkham and Chaman border crossings.

The railways have been a preferred choice for Afghan traders for the transit trade of their goods due to cost advantages; however, due to excessive delays and lack of space in railway transit, transit traffic has diverted to road transport. Roads accommodate a larger share of transit trade traffic. The up-gradation and proper maintenance of roads will ensure timely movement of goods.

This article provides a series of stand-alone and integrated solutions and recommendations related to ITTMS. These are mentioned below as following;


Improve custom and trade facilitation.

Identify the major points of delay in transit and take necessary action to address the policy , infrastructure and logistics issue and ensure these are implemented within reasonable timeframes.

Infrastructure development at the land border crossings of Torkham and Chaman will improve capacity so as to enable them to cater to the needs to overland traffic.

Separate transit for pedestrians traffic and vehicle movement at border crossings points is recommended.

It is recommended that Pakistan continue the policy of following the private sector to develop and manage seaport facilities on long leases under BOT.

Establishment of new dry ports is recommended.

Under international transit system such as the TIR, containers are not checked en-route unless there are exceptional circumstances. In the case of Pakistan, goods are subject to multiple checks en-route. These excessive checks need to be curbed to expedite transit trade.

Security is a major concern highlighted by many stakeholders and impact transit trade. Better safety measures along the transit corridors will help strengthen confidence among traders and the stakeholders and encourage use of the ports of Pakistan.

There is a need for both the sides to notify the regulations facilitating the commercial presence of freight forwarders and transport operators in their respective territories.

Improve trade policy and export PROMOTION.

Enhance economic zones regime, focusing on areas of conflict and vulnerable populations.

Improve security of supply chains.

Pakistan should improve the clearance procedures for perishable consignments at Chaman and Wagha to facilitate Afghan exports.

The contracting parties should develop a module in their automated clearance system to monitor the transit of dangerous goods.

There is a need to amend laws and regulations in the context of trade agreements.

Provide infrastructure for developing better controls.

Provide advance use of technology.

Integrated use of technology.

Swift custom operations.

Provide transparent and corruption free system at land ports with strong hold on the ground.

It is recommended to introduce monitoring mechanism to match the International standards.

Visit the sites to review the existing arrangements and identify the impediments for future up gradation of the land ports.

Scanning facilities at Karachi port and Wagha border.

Trained workforce.

Check on delayed clearances is recommended.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

CPEC: Uniting Regions

“Gwadar Port Operational for Trade Activities” a headline which marked the realization of the long sought dream of President Xi Jinping. It indeed proved that Sino-Pakistan relationship is without a doubt, higher than the mountains and deeper than oceans. CPEC is a channel for the Maritime Silk Route that connects around three billion people in Asia, Africa and Europe. As expressed by President Xi Jinping, “The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is so precisely situated that it magically connects Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.”

Although there are various dimensions to look at CPEC, the existing narrative explores that CPEC has provided Pakistan with a distinct advantage. However, in China, the project of CEPC is a silk route road channel connecting different regions and countries in one string. For the world, CPEC is known as the game changer for the worldwide trade.

Three major powers, US, Japan and India, appear to be excessively uneasy as they see the venture coming to fruition. The US is taking a uneasy gander at the CPEC which is as an early indication of the start of the end of its worldwide hegemonic rule at the monetary front. Japan is stressed that with the consummation of CPEC, any modest edge that it had over China in world markets, would essentially vanish because the physical distance amongst China and its trading countries would be abbreviated by as much as 9,000 km. Japan’s cost of creating exportable surpluses as an outcome will be deeply impacted.

India, however, is stressed for the security of its oil supplies that can be choked via Gwadar passing Strait of Hormuz. New Delhi fears that, china might set up a naval base at the entrepôt of CPEC. India appears to be additionally worried about the eventual fate of Chahbhar port, that it is working on with the Iranians lying along the Strait of Hormuz and also around 72 km away from Gwadar, for which India is generously contributing $20 billion. India intended to deny Pakistan the big markets of Afghanistan and CARS region via Chabahar. The success and natural location of Gwadar puts all these plans into a dustbin.

Although U.S. and Japan appear to be occupied with the rising China in a power struggle for dominance in South-China sea, India seems to have as of now settled a stratagem, trying to contain the self-professed dangers to its territory exuding from CPEC. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has already made his intention clear on August 15, 2016 at Lal Qila, by vowing to incite insurgency in Balochistan, believing that instability in the area would make it unthinkable for the CPEC venture to take off.

New Delhi is likewise questioning the corridor going through Gilgit-Baltistan saying any happening in the disputed area can not take place without its consent. India fears that China would set up its army installation in GB with the help of Pakistan making it twice as dangerous for India to control IOK.

Similarly, New Delhi fears that once CPEC project starts to roll, it would reduce the efficiency of Chabahar port, oil supplies of India coming from Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia would turn out to be reliant on the goodwill of Pakistan and China. Along with these, India’s plans for reaching out to Central Asian markets would be smoke screened as China would have the capacity to make an entrance in the Central Asian states via Gwadar in the shortest possible time, whereas India would be left with its circuitous course experiencing Afghanistan which is still in the grasp of an unending war.

As indicated by Ashfaque H. Khan, the CPEC can possibly change Pakistan into a regional center for trade and give Pakistan a unique chance to strengthen and uplift its strategic and economic position in the world.

The CPEC has aberrant key ramifications as new focuses of monetary cooperation would develop. The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline was commenced in December and CASA-1000 in May. The Iran-Pakistan (IP) is in progress. China has conferred US$ 2.5 billion to Pakistan to finish the IP gas project as soon as sanctions were lifted from Iran.

All these three energy matrices are intense expansion to the energy dealing projects under the CPEC as it gives another shape to Pakistan as a regional energy network supplier between Central Asia and South Asia. Afghanistan being an integral part of these understandings ensures maintainability of these assertion. In these unique circumstances, the CPEC has been accomplishing its desired results and moving ahead with a quick pace.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Posters, photos of Altaf Hussain removed from MQM’s strongholds in Karachi

Posters and portraits of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Chief, Altaf Hussain, were removed by from the city’s famous Mukka Chowk in the stronghold of the party.

According to the police, unidentified people removed Altaf Hussain’s photos and portraits from the Chowk.The law-enforcers have no clue about the people are involved in damaging and removing MQM leader’s photos as well as MQM’s banners and posters.

Posters and pictures of MQM leader were also removed from Jinnah Ground in Karachi, Nine Zero, Azizabad and different locations in Hyderabad.

The law-enforcers have no clue about the people are involved in damaging and removing MQM leader’s photos as well as MQM’s banners and posters.

Scotland Yard investigates Altaf Hussain’s speech

The Scotland Yard said it was investigating the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Chief Altaf Hussain’s speech for inciting violence in Karachi when he addressed party workers and supporters from his north-London base on Monday.

Violence erupted in Karachi after MQM’s Altaf Hussain, who has been living in Edgware for over 20 years, addressed supporters in the city via a telephone call.

The police are examining Hussain’s speech following “numerous calls from the public” to see if his remarks broke any English laws, a Scotland Yard spokeswoman told the Guardian.

She added, “Where evidence of criminal activity is found we will consult with the Crown Prosecution Service.”

Authorities in Pakistan claimed Hussain described the country as a “cancer” and incited his followers to attack two media stations that he accused of bias.

READ MORE: What MQM Chief Altaf Hussain actually said?

On the other hand, an MQM spokesman claimed that the violence flared after the party’s supporters were fired on by police where one person was killed.

MQM’s Altaf Hussain has already been under investigation since last summer following previous speeches.

The Metropolitan police have been probing many old speeches made by Hussain, who holds joint British-Pakistani citizenship, one of the three separate cases by the force into Hussain and other MQM members.

Hussain apologised for his remarks on Tuesday, blaming “mental stress”. MQM’s Jalil constantly sought to play down rumours of a split within the party, a senior party member Dr Farooq Sattar distanced MQM from Hussain’s comments, saying the party should now be run “from Pakistan not London”.

“If I am killed, hold Altaf Hussain responsible”, says Amir Liaquat

Former minister and TV personality claims he is receiving death threats from the party

 ““I am being told I am a bigger traitor than even Mustafa Kamal, and that I will be killed in a more painful manner than Kamal,”

Former MQM member Dr Amir Liaquat revealed on Thursday that he has been receiving death threats via SMS and phone calls from unknown numbers after leaving the party earlier this week.

While talking to different private television channels, Amir Liaquat stated, “my life is in danger. If I am killed and found in a bori (sack), hold the leader of MQM, Altaf Hussain responsible”.

Amir Liaquat said he was being called a “bigger traitor that Mustafa Kamal”. Mustafa Kamal is also an ex MQM member who also parted ways with the party after difference with Altaf Hussain. He returned from self-exile this year and formed a new party, Pak Sarzameen Party. The party consists mostly of ex-MQM members and is constantly inviting existing members to join them.

Amir Liaquat explained that he had attempted to make amends after leaving the party but to no avail. He went on to say that when MQM leaders disassociated themselves from the anti-Pakistan and anti-army statements that Altaf Hussain made they should have disassociated themselves from the individual who made them as well.

Amir Liaquat went on to say that “there is no MQM Pakistan, FarooqSattar has to completely disassociate himself from Altaf Hussain as well”. Meanwhile, Farooq Sattar who is the default leader of the party in Pakistan refused to completely disassociate himself from Altaf Hussain.

While speaking on a private TV channel, he rubbished Dr AmirLiaquat’s claims saying that this is just a conspiracy theory and that he has yet been unable to talk to him. “If I am able to talk to him I will advise him to be calm and think the situation out rather than speak on just emotion” said Farooq.

Soon after, Amir Liaquat appeared on another talk show, where he made some more revelations. He said that he clearly recognised the voices behind the calls he has been receiving. He said that the threat that I received was “if you love the Pakistani flag so much, you should wrap your dead body in the flag before burial. We can make that happen for you”.

To this he aggressively said, “Don’t give me an empty threat. Come and shoot me in the chest. I am here”. He said, “During the day I have received supportive messages from both IG Sindh and Rangers forces who have offered me security detail for protection”

Speaking about MQM’s militant wing he said that when I rejoined the party this year I saw the militant elements in the party and the same elements are giving me threats. He explained that he attempted to rid the party of such elements but was told to stop.

Amir Liaquat has also been nominated in three different cases as ‘facilitator’. The cases are registers in Malir police station against AltafHussain’s speech, which Amir Liaquat defended on live television. SSP Malir, Rao Anwar said Amir Liaquat will be arrested soon on the basis of these charges.

SSP Rao appeared was taken on air with a where he stated that I have made no such statement. He went on to say that although police officials are not allowed to appear on television without the permission of the IG Sindh, I decided to appear without any such approval because I had to defend myself.

With reference to the allegations of RAW funding, Amir Liaquat said “Yes! I am fully convinced MQM takes funding from RAW.”

Dr. Liaquat himself was the first person to defend Altaf Hussain’s anti-state, anti- army speech on Monday. He was subsequently arrested by Rangers and kept overnight. He was released the following day after which he attended the press conference, where senior MQM leaders disassociated themselves from the speech made by Altaf Hussain and took complete decision-making powers.

Amir Liaquat then proceeded to appear on multiple television shows, looking particularly distraught and mentally absent saying he was “unable to understand the situation” and that he has not only left the party but politics as a whole. 

Several MQM offices demolished, sealed in Karachi

A total of one hundred and ninety offices of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) have been sealed across Karachi within three days.

The local administration sprang into action and demolished the party’s unit offices in Mosamiyat, Bhains Colony, Tariq Bin Zaiyad Society, Gulshan-i-Maymar and Shah Faisal Colony on the plea that they were set up illegally.

According to an official, the decision to demolish the MQM offices built on state land and amenity plots were taken during a meeting between Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan and Chief Minister Shah on Wednesday. Besides, he said, the provincial and federal governments had also decided to dismantle or seal those offices of the party which helped unscrupulous elements or created fear among the general public.

Earlier today, MQM offices were sealed in Jheel Park and Shah Faisal Colony areas.

In Azizabad, the name of “Mukka Chowk” has also been changed to “Liaquat Ali Khan Chowk”.

The photos and posters of MQM chief at Nine Zero and several other places were removed whereas Khursheed Begum Memorial Hall and transport office were also set up illegally.

Monday, August 1, 2016

President Ghani’s Blame Game and The Afghan Peace Process

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has once again resorted to using allegations against Pakistan regarding its commitment and honesty to the Afghan Peace Process. While accusing Pakistan for the apparent stalemate in the talks, President Ghani stressed that it was largely because Pakistan has adopted a discriminatory approach and is keeping a distinction of good and bad Taliban and showing leniency towards them. According to him, such a policy by Pakistani leadership is reflective of its half hearted pledge to making the peace process successful. While President Ghani may have his reasons, right or wrong, to doubt Pakistan, one can’t help but wonder why Afghan leadership is so distrustful of Pakistan’s effort.

What can be done about it and why is it that whatever efforts Pakistan has been making, are not being acknowledged by the Afghan counterpart? It’s a fact that the Afghan Peace Process was set in motion and has recently gained momentum by the dedicated efforts of Pakistan. This has been duly appreciated by the US as well. There is no doubt that the peace in Afghanistan is closely linked to peace in Pakistan as whatever elements cause disruption to stability in Afghanistan have direct repercussions to the peace and stability in Pakistan.

Doubting and distrusting Pakistan is not going to resolve the situation. No one can deny that Pakistan has its stakes in Afghanistan. The need to have a functional and progressing neighbor along its Western border is not only going to be of great benefit to Pakistan but will also add to the regional stability.

Despite all these factual arguments, Pakistan is directly blamed for any derelictions in the peace process. It is a general rule that in order for any negotiations or talks to evolve and culminate successfully, the beginning point is to have trust in the intentions of each other, to have faith that the stakeholders are truly committed to the objective. If this basic ingredient is missing, the succeeding efforts will not stand much chance. In the recent case scenario, the trust not only seems to be largely lacking but the situation has been made even worse by broadcasting the insecurities and suspicions at the international forum.

Such political immaturity on part of Afghan leadership is not only alarming but also raises suspicions about the prospects of success for the future of peace process. There is no harm in voicing the grievances, but ideally they should be discussed and communicated bilaterally instead of trumpeting it out loud to the world. Here the intention of President Ghani clearly was to malign and tarnish Pakistan’s image and to disregard all the previous efforts it so far has made for the peace process. This also shows that Afghan leadership does not want to give peace a chance, instead is more interested in delaying the process.

The Afghan leadership needs to keep in mind that while there already are enough sabotaging factors on a look out for the chance to derail the progress, such allegations and blame game will only serve as a force multiplier for the anti-peace elements. Hence it needs to end its obsession with blaming and suspecting Pakistan every now and then for its efforts. It’s not just the RAW operating on the Afghan soil, working against the interest of both Pakistan and Afghanistan but there are several local Afghan’s who do not support any initiative taken by Pakistan.

This is where Afghan government needs to first and foremost concentrate its efforts. Pakistan and its security forces cannot miraculously make the peace process successful or help Afghanistan unless the Afghan government itself tries to put its house in order first. Pakistan on its part has always been lauded by the US state department for its support to the peace process. Pakistan continues to maintain its policy of “Afghan-led and Afghan-owned” peace process.

The need of the hour is to devise a trust building mechanism where such kind of statements should especially be avoided to be pronounced on the international platforms. Otherwise the recurring hurling of blames only emphasizes the fact that Afghanistan is itself more responsible for the hiccups in the peace process and for jeopardizing the future prospects of its success. Pakistani government should deal with such situations at two levels: First, it should come up with a good verbal response and emphatically refute these unfound allegations; Secondly, it should take prudent diplomatic measures and highlight its constructive role and dedication to the peace process at the local and international level through all the mediums available.

Pakistan needs to be more proactive without being defensive and reactionary to Afghan insecurities. Failing to do so will not only have adverse effect on the Afghan peace process but will also allow the country like Afghanistan to take disrespect Pakistan, which no country especially not a nuclear state deserves to be treated as.

If the anti-dialogue factors in Afghanistan are not dealt with properly, the sustainability and progress on the peace process cannot be guaranteed. The future of the peace in Afghanistan will remain bleak with adverse effect for Pakistan too. A strong political will is required on both sides of the border, more on Afghan side to let the trust be cultivated. Otherwise all the stakeholders could be in for a long haul without much hope for the efforts to materialize successfully.

Protest Against Trump Outside Republican National Convention

Protests continue outside the Republican national convention at Cleveland against Trump and Mike Pence nomination. Donald Trump and Mike Pence were officially selected to be the Republican Party’s nominees for president and vice president.

Protesters, who were a mix of various ethnicity and religions such as Muslims, Blacks and Mexicans, held placards with slogans such as “Dump Trump” and “Stop Trump” written on them.

They said Trump was bent on creating hatred based on ethnic lines which was against the basic tenets of American philosophy.  “I do not want my children to grow up hating people because they are Muslims, Blacks or Mexicans, a society Trump is trying to create”, said a protester.

Protests Against Trump Continued on 3rd Day of Republican National Convention

Protests continue against Donald Trump on third day of Republican National Convention. Inside the convention hall at Cleveland, Senator Ted Cruz refused to endorse Trump, shattering the nicely scripted facade of the party unity.

“…vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution”, he said while addressing the convention.

Angry Trump supporters booed Ted Cruz and chanted “We want Trump”. Cruz’s wife, Heidi, also faced the jeers of angry Trump supporters. She was quickly taken off the floor out of fear for her safety.

Interestingly, “vote your conscience” has also been a famous slogan of anti-Trump movement. Cruz’s call for people to vote their conscience was seen as his vote of no confidence in Trump.

Outside the convention hall, anti-Trump continued their protests for the third day of the convention. Cruz’s remarks were taken very well by the protesters. “Conscience can never ask someone to vote for Trump,” said a protester present outside the convention hall.
