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Blessed with the best _ Alhumdulillah!a million times for every blessing in my life.

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Showing posts with label Women Forum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women Forum. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Hold Her Hand and Protect your Woman

Every woman has a past. Some are physically abused. Some have violent parents and a broken family. Some have had pubertal issues. Some have endured sexual abuse as a child from their own family members. Some have messed up love stories. Some were forced to have sex in the name of love. Some were drugged, date raped and photographed. Some have been blackmailed by their ex-boyfriend. Some have menstrual problems. Some have gone through a divorce. Some have an obesity issue. Some have financial droughts. Some have drug or alcohol addiction. Some have gone through unsuccessful suicide attempts.

If you see a woman who has gone through any of these, don’t stab her with her past. Don’t act like a righteous being and try to confront her. Commend her for her courage, for being strong enough to be able wipe her tears, tie her hair up, and masking her sorrows with a divine smile. If she has started walking towards her future by hanging on to that little bit hope, help her out, and do not grab her down.

If she still has not given up on the concept of love, please, do not stab her with her past. Do not slap her with more abuse. Do not treat her like she is nothing to this world. Give her strength and walk beside her. Hold her hands. Try to understand her. Maybe then you’ll understand how sweet that soul is and how strong her hopes are! You will be amazed at how she carries herself after all her energy has been sucked out.

Remember she could be any one. It’s not necessary that she’ll only be the women next door. Someone else’s woman. She may be one of your own, your own sister, your own best friend, your own wife, even may be your own mother. Do not judge her by her past. Understand her feelings, her actions, her smile, her anger, her silence. Gift her peaceful future that she deserves. Hold her hand and protect her against the world, the world that only knows how to judge. Give her trust, something she has always yearned for.

To all those women who have gone through such difficult times, I know it’s hard, I know it’s hard to face the world, but remember, the storm will clear soon, and the sun will shine. If someone is making you feel bad about yourself, delete them from your life. If you feel like you are completely alone, open your eyes and look around you. There are so many people who appreciate and love you just as you are.

You can do everything in your life. You can achieve every goal, every dream. Breathe! if there is an anchor dragging you down, see your way through it. You are the most important person and you mean so much. You are successful and you will be the reason behind every successful man.

God has created you is such a way that you can take do and achieve everything. So just get up from your bed, wipe your tears, smile like a cute baby and fly like a bird. Never stop dreaming and never stop striving to achieve your dreams. Never look back never make any excuses. Just fight for your inner peace, fight for your old smile. Just go for it.

Standing Up To Sexual Harassment

Man touching shoulder of uncomfortable woman co-worker

Sexual harassment is a grave crime that leaves the victims in mental agony and distress for life. No one should tolerate sexual harassment. Everyone has the right to be treated with respect and dignity.

Inappropriate behavior is a developing issue everywhere be it work areas, schools or anywhere a woman goes. Even though there are various laws against this but they are largely ineffective.

So what constitutes harassment? Well, it’s any undesirable or sexual innuendos intended to make a woman uncomfortable. Behaviors such as touching, ogling , inappropriate comments or signals, they all come under the domain of harassment.

Sadly, when females raise their voice against such harassment, they are not taken quite seriously and are given excuses such as “young men will be young men”. This somehow conditions our women to think that such harassment is normal and should be condoned. However, what they fail to understand is that such type of harassment have a deep and adverse impact on the women.

Instead of reprimanding the harassers, women are asked to dress in a modest way. “You should cover all of your body except face and hands, and your dress should never be tight, short, or too long”, they tell women. Instead of seriously pondering over the issue and bringing the harassers to justice, our society only cautions the victim to behave. It is the job of law enforcement agencies that they take the matter seriously and do not take harassment lightly.

As far as our women are concerned, they should actively report harassment incidents. When we don’t, when we overlook these negative behaviors towards us, we are in return encouraging them. So speak out ladies!