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Thursday, February 22, 2018

What is a great man?



What is a great man? Let us find out the truth of that question. Is he one who seeks fame? Is he one who would give himself tremendous importance?. You want to lead the procession, you want to be the governor, you want to be the great ideal, the great person who is going to reform India. Since you want that, maybe you will lead the procession. But is that greatness? Does greatness consist in being publicized, in having your name appear in the papers, having authority over people, making people obey because you have a strong will or personality or some kink in the mind? Surely, greatness is something totally different.

Greatness is anonymity, to be anonymous is the greatest thing. Greatness is to be unknown, inwardly and outwardly to be as nothing, and that requires great penetration, great understanding, great affection.



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