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Blessed with the best _ Alhumdulillah!a million times for every blessing in my life.

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The beach was a hive of activity.

The beach was a hive of activity. Among the younger children there was an air of competition about the building of forts in the sand. Each group of youngsters wanted to build better than anybody else. Even in the heat, they worked hard and long. Their achievements were really something to admire. But the tide turned and was gradually creeping shore ward It nibbled at the outer fortifications and then quite rapidly the entire array crumbled. 

Something similar often happens in life. People may spend years building for themselves little kingdoms of wealth, power, influence or popularity. Then the tide of health of good fortune turns and suddenly or gradually, all is swept away like the sandcastles on the beach. It is a stark reminder that we have nit here a lasting city. It is a reminder that we need constantly because the temptation is to imitate the youngsters in the sand and spend our energies trying to be better that our neighbor by having more wages, better holidays, nicer things, a bigger car, higher status or greater influence, whereas the most lasting achievement in life is what we do to benefit influence, where as the most lasting achievement in life is what we do to benefit others, giving brings more lasting happiness than getting.

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