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Blessed with the best _ Alhumdulillah!a million times for every blessing in my life.

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Monday, March 5, 2018

You guys know it's kinda funny

You guys know it's kinda funny how so many of you write me these long messages telling me about what you're going through, your struggles and your breakdowns. And you ask me, how in the world do you come up with such words and write down these beautiful terminology to describe exactly what we are going through. My answer is that I don't, I don't know you and I don't know any of you. But making me feel and letting me know that you really unite and relate to what I say means the world to me because I'm just a 21 year old boy who just puts his feelings into words. I've been stressing like hell because I know that I've been gone for a while and you know that we all have scars. Whether they’re physical or emotional. they leave a mark and they keep haunting us through life like a permanent shadow, way following behind us but still related somehow, lurking. We all have tears that burn and hearts that ache and we walk through life hoping that something might ease the pain. I resolute not to write anything poetic for now, I just wanted to talk to you and see what you're up to. I know this doesn't sound usual to you but I wanted you to know me. I want you to be able to relate to my writings and be like " damn, I love this guy ". There are a lot of things I wish I could change, things I wish I could say back but that's not how life works. Anyway, i'm writing you this in hopes to help as many of you and tell you that whatever you're going through right now is nothing but a hardship and it will come to an end.

All the love,

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