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Blessed with the best _ Alhumdulillah!a million times for every blessing in my life.

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Monday, March 5, 2018

Find sense of balance in your life.

Find sense of balance in your life. Work hard but don’t let work take over your life, you will lose yourself. Love, but love for the right reasons. Life is too short for anything pedestrian Know who you are and know that you are worthy of reaching your dreams and that it is never too late to start creating that life you have always dreamed of. Do not evaluate yourself to others, that’s just deadly. No two souls are the same. You are your own person, you are beautiful and you are unique. Put your trust in the world. Some things are just meant to happen, and some are not. Let go of whatever is thieving your happiness, it’s hard but it is worth it. Embrace change. hug life. Everything happens for a reason, sometimes you just need to inhale, trust and let go.

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