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Blessed with the best _ Alhumdulillah!a million times for every blessing in my life.

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Monday, March 5, 2018

Her trouble wasn’t that she fell in love

Her trouble wasn’t that she fell in love. it was that she fell in love so easily, with things that didn’t last long and with people who never even cared about her. she loved the lights, but those blaze out. and the sounds that came from her piano and her guitar but those don’t hold a note forever. she loved the flowers that were picked from the ground. and a boy that never even loved her back. and she lives life expressive that some days it feels like a epic that she is no longer in shape for. but she runs. always. and never stops. one thing i can say though is that she’s courageous. and conceivably that is why her heart is still so big even when the world has given her all the motive to shrivel it small.

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