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Blessed with the best _ Alhumdulillah!a million times for every blessing in my life.

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Monday, March 5, 2018

There are mean and terrifying parts of you

There are mean and terrifying parts of you that you ad infinitum have to eat up. You continuously feel like clenching your fists, snuffing your antagonism out, pushing back your demons, shushing yourself, and dimming the lights that surround you. You are a volcano that is about to erupt but never allowing yourself that release because you know the embers will be throttling, the aftereffect is harsh. And so magma turns to blood and ember to dust. And there you are accompanied by darkness, swallowing it all down, telling yourself that a few deep breaths are the remedy to every bit of pain that’s holding you under. exhale in. Smell the flowers that your ember has not coated. Breathe out. Blow the fuck out the forest fires that are taking place in your head. Let go of the bonfire that are setting your skin ablaze, dancing around your feet, ignore the roar that is constantly cracking your bones, ignore the heavy heart, and ignore the agony to crush. Keep it down. Keep that smile on your face because if you don’t, you will wipe out and for good everything that comes your way and you are not damaging. You are a scope of flowers gently dancing in the wind, you are the ocean gently kissing the shore, you are the stars brightening up the night sky. Don’t give this pitiless world a chance to turn you from an innocent human being into a dangerous being, don’t let the raging water wear down you and turn you into a Colca Canyon. You are no ravine, no empty being, and no cruel sight. You are gentle. You are kind. You are okay. You deserve all the love.

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