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Blessed with the best _ Alhumdulillah!a million times for every blessing in my life.

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Thursday, July 12, 2018

It s strange how people change

It s strange how people change 🤔🤔 one minute they are close ; the next they aren't ... i find it weird and absurd how come someone you cared about become a complete stranger in a blink of an eye... it's strange indeed and the worst part is that you trusted that person with your life ... when you stood together for the first time it felt like you can conquer the world together ... you had each other's back.. you knew somehow and deep down that this person will fight next to you in a battlefield.. because the one thing that would happen to you it means it will happen to both of you ... you did promise each other ... that no matter what the weather you won't let anything or anyone ruin what you have !! Cause what you have is special... or shall i say what you had !! Since nothing remained the way it should be .. nothing actually stayed the same and as much as it hurts it's the truth .. the sad and the brutal truth ... less contact and less talking and suddenly that person disappear as if he/she never existed in the first place ... so yeah it's strange one minute you are close the next you are not ... perhaps fights seperated you perhaps people .. perhaps hard feelings ... but what comes in good intentions since the begining ... it stays ..and nothing can change that.. the funny part is that this person comes to your mind once in a while and you smile to the moments you had ... the time stops when you go back with your memories diving deeper looking for something amazing you shared and then suddenly you realise it's all gone ... just like that ... gone with the winds ... all what you had disappeared ...

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