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Blessed with the best _ Alhumdulillah!a million times for every blessing in my life.

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Thursday, July 12, 2018

An amazing piece of writting sent by one of our fans.

An amazing piece of writting sent by one of our fans.

" - Why do I expect you to be good to me ? why do I keep treating you like I own you , I don’t own you , I don’t get to feel jealous every time you talk about a man you saw on the bus , a friend or a thing you enjoyed , a thing you felt , I thought I made it clear to myself as I did to you that we are just friends who enjoy each others company , two creatures who are bounded by the simple yet solid ropes of friendship rather than the soft and fragile threads of love , and it worked , it really did , most of the time .

It didn’t work that one time though , when you asked me what is it that I want , ‘’ coffee or tea ? ‘’and I said ‘’ your lips ‘’ , it didn’t work when I set next to you on the school-trip we had claiming that I need your help with something that I didn’t mention neither before nor after , while all I really desired was to smell your perfume for an extra hour , and it also didn’t work when I had to pay Karim to dare me to kiss you on that stupid game .
I stood there , like a fool , and watched you slip away , gradually and consistently, I could've prevented it if I showed an extra tiny bit of caring , cooked you one more meal or sang to you one more lullaby before you closed those shiny eyes of yours that night..... should I blame him for taking you away or blame you for leaving ? or blame myself for being so blind to see the rose I so dearly loved lose its colors slowly , one at a time ? How dare I be colorblind when you offered me all the colors of the rainbow ? !!! "

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