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Blessed with the best _ Alhumdulillah!a million times for every blessing in my life.

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Friday, May 14, 2021

This is beautiful!

 This is beautiful!

Someone passed away while you were cursing your life just because an unwanted human ditched you. 

Someone became an orphan while you were shouting on your parents because they won't buy you your favourite bike.


Someone lost their only true love while you were crying because they cheated you. 

Someone gave birth to a dead child while you were telling your mom how you wish you were never born. 

Someone committed suicide because of so much pain while you threatened to die just because you failed in a subject.

Someone lost their eyesight while you say you don't want to see the world anymore only because you think there's no reason left to live. 

While you think you are the only one going through hell, look around, you'll realise that there are people dealing with so much more amount of pain, infront of which your pain might just seem negligible. So instead of focusing on how big your pain is and thinking about ending your life, think about how people are fighting everyday evils but never giving up. There's so much to live for and nothing to give up for. There's so much to smile for only if you look for it. This one life that you have my love is not worth giving up for any damn reason. ❤️


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